Communications strategy - writing, storytelling & filmmaking
These are uncertain times for the planet. We in the conservation community have too often made the mistake of trying to impress ordinary people with science -- and ordinary people aren't impressed - rather than connect them with the stories, values, and memories about which they care most.
As a species, we've got a very long history of storytelling - nearly 100 000 years. Our brains are wired for it.
In Transmediavision, directed by filmmaker John Bowey and coproduced by me, we pair science, film and writing to help you engage and transform your audience. We help you tell your conservation, education, creative or development story in the most compelling way possible, ask provocative or inspiring questions, and understand and listen to your audience. Combined, we have over 65 years(!) of deep experience in filmmaking, editing, writing, public speaking, global change science, conservation biology, and convening difficult societal dialogues. Let us help you tell your story.